Crafting your personalized path

Investment Management
Your Szarka Financial advisor customizes your investment allocation to meet your unique needs and goals. We create an investment strategy aligned with your financial plan and risk tolerance, holding regular meetings to monitor progress and make adjustments. As a fiduciary, Szarka Financial prioritizes your best interests and long-term financial goals.

Retirement Planning
We specialize in crafting retirement income strategies for those worried about outliving their savings. During the Accumulation Phase, you save for the future while working, determining your retirement timeline and lifestyle. In the Distribution Phase, you use your investments to support a 25 to 30-year retirement.

401(k) and 403(b) Consulting
With traditional pensions declining, employees now handle more of their retirement assets, such as 401k or 403b plans. Many rely on employer-sponsored plans but struggle with contributions and investments. Szarka Financial advisors tailor plans to your retirement goals, timeline, and risk tolerance, considering company benefits and other income sources. When you leave a job, we guide distribution options and can help roll over employer plans into a customized IRA aligned with your goals.

Estate & Legacy Planning
Estate and legacy planning is a critical component of a comprehensive financial plan.