Why sell shares when you can gift them? If you have appreciated stocks in your portfolio, you might want to consider donating those shares to charity rather than selling them.
Les Szarka Videos and Articles
WATCH: Financial Empowerment with Szarka Financial
Why sell shares when you can gift them? If you have appreciated stocks in your portfolio, you might want to consider donating those shares to charity rather than selling them.
WATCH: Emotional Investing; Subconscious Pitfalls and Smarter Decisions
Discover key strategies to overcome emotional investing and avoid subconscious pitfalls. Our guide provides insights on making smarter, rational financial decisions, helping you navigate the complexities of investment with a clear mind.
Top 3 Mistake That Can Ruin Retirement Dreams
Impact of Consumer Confidence on Stock Market Performance
Three Critical Tips for Those Who Are Suddenly Single
https://youtu.be/QBqQBbqiEPY So many people struggle financially after a divorce of the death of a loved one. Who are the most at risk when facing this situation? What are some of the most critical financial issues that need to be dealt with initially? Watch Szarka...