
Our blog contains a wealth of articles and videos on important financial topics that we believe will empower and educate you, to feel more relaxed about your retirement.

Year End Tax Planning There often seems to be a looming tax change at the end of every year. What are we looking at for 2022? What things can regular folks try to do to wrap up 2021? Watch Szarka Financial’s Senior Financial Advisor Mark Stratis, CFP®, discuss...

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New rules for IRAs in 2022 A lot of questions are coming in regarding IRA rules for 2022, the most common are: When must the Required Minimum Distributions for my IRA begin? Are there changes do I need to know about? Why is my RMD amount lower this year than it was...

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Economic Impact from Ukraine Crisis Securities offered through Registered Representatives of Cambridge Investment Research, Inc., a Broker Dealer, member FINRA/SIPC. Advisory Services through Cambridge Investment Research Advisors, Inc., a Registered Investment Adviser....

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Inflation Update Where are we at with the markets year-to-date? What’s the current status of the economy What should investors be doing right now? Watch Szarka Financial’s Financial Planner Alex Szarka discuss these issues with Fox 8 News Anchors Stefani...

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Exciting New Tax Law Changes 2022 Now that the midterm elections are over, Congress is focusing on retirement plan changes. What changes are being considered? What lessons can we take from this? What about proposed changes for older, retired investors? Securities offered...

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